Some fields in a profile support token replacement. Tokens allow you to inject information about the profile or environment into program command line, or a destination path. Tokens consist of a keyword surrounded by delimiters - either curly braces for CopyTools tokens (such as , or the percentage sign % for environment variables (such as %windir%).

For example, if the current date is the 4th October 2013 and CopyTools is running on a computer named JUPITER, then the value \\hades\Backups\{ComputerName}\Luminitix\{Year}{MonthPadded}{DayPadded}.zip becomes \\hades\Backups\JUPITER\Luminitix\

Which fields support tokens?

Currently, the following fields support tokens

What tokens are available?

The name of the computer running the profile
The number of the current day this month
The full name of the current day
The short name of the current day
The number of the current week day
The number of the current day this year
The number of the current day this month padded so that it is always two digits
The current hour
The current minute
The number of the current month
The full name of the current month
The short name of the current month
The number the current month padded so that is is always two digits
The current second
The current time in HHmm format.
The name of the user running the profile
The current year in four digits
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Documentation version 1.4 (buildref #30.15583), last modified 2023-03-05. Generated 2023-04-29 14:26 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.19.1