Email functionality is only available if the Profile Notifications (Email) add-in is loaded.

CopyTools includes support for sending emails after running a profile, either always, or only if errors were detected.

Accessing email configuration

  • Open the Tools menu and click Options
  • Select the Email tab

Configuring the SMTP Server

  • In the Connection Settings group, enter the address(es) to send emails to. To send to multiple recipients, separate each address with a semi-colon (;).
  • Specify the SMTP Server, Port, Username (optional) and Password (optional) fields
  • Click Send Test Email to check your settings by sending a test message

All settings are stored in the registry in plain text, with the exception of the Password field - this is encrypted.

Sending emails only if errors occur

If you only wish to have CopyTools send emails when a job fails, check the Only send emails if errors occur option in the Notification Settings group

Specifying the email content

CopyTools allows you set the email subject and body, including the use of tokens to swap with other values. In the Notification Settings group, simply set the Subject and Body fields to the text you wish.

The following tokens are currently supported

{name}The name of the profile the email has been generated for
{status}The profile status, for example Failed.
{filescopied}The number of files copied
{filesdeleted}The number of files deleted
{errors}A list of errors that occurred
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Documentation version 2.0 (buildref #59.15788), last modified 2023-04-09. Generated 2024-04-06 20:34 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.19.1