This example shows how to create an animation


; this example shows how to create an animation with a mixture of default
; frame settings and custom settings

; note: order of command line arguments doesn't matter

; note2: in create1.txt, we used the /GP argument to create a global
; palette for all frames in the animation. In this file, we haven't
; included that argument so each frame will have it's own color table
; Regardless of whether you use a global or local color table, the encoder
; will see the transparent color when it optimizes these frames and apply
; frame transparency settings accordingly

/o:create2.gif            ; explicitly set the output filename

/l                        ; loop the animation. As we haven't specified
                          ; the /LC argument, the animation will loop
                          ; infinitely

/fd 100                   ; set the default frame duration to be 100ms
/fdm RestoreBackground    ; set the default disposal method to redraw
                          ; the background color

/f1 p1_walk01.png         ; create the first frame
/f2 p1_walk02.png         ; create the second frame 
/f3 p1_walk03.png         ; create the third frame 
/f4 p1_walk04.png         ; create the fourth frame 
/f5 p1_walk05.png         ; create the fifth frame 
/f6 p1_walk06.png         ; create the sixth frame 
/f7 p1_walk07.png         ; create the seventh frame 
/f8 p1_walk08.png         ; create the eighth frame 
/f9 p1_walk09.png         ; create the ninth frame 
/f10 p1_walk10.png        ; create the tenth frame
/f11 p1_walk11.png        ; create the eleventh frame

/fc1 "First Frame"        ; add a comment to the first frame
/fc11 "Last Frame"        ; add a comment to the last frame

/fd11 200                 ; add a custom delay for the last frame

/ac "Created by Cyotek Gif Animator"
                          ; add a comment to the animation, but not to
                          ; the individual frames
/y                        ; do not prompt overwrite files

Sample Output

Creating frame from image 'p1_walk01.png'
Creating frame from image 'p1_walk02.png'
Creating frame from image 'p1_walk03.png'
Creating frame from image 'p1_walk04.png'
Creating frame from image 'p1_walk05.png'
Creating frame from image 'p1_walk06.png'
Creating frame from image 'p1_walk07.png'
Creating frame from image 'p1_walk08.png'
Creating frame from image 'p1_walk09.png'
Creating frame from image 'p1_walk10.png'
Creating frame from image 'p1_walk11.png'
Writing animation create2.gif
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Documentation version 0.0 (buildref #293.-), last modified 2017-05-23. Generated 2023-04-02 08:26 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.19.1