As well as the GUI client, Gif Animator also includes a command line tool which you can use to work with GIF animations. The tool, gifcmd.exe, is located in the Gif Animator application folder.

Unless otherwise noted, whenever the command line tools expect a filename, this can either be a fully qualified path, or will be resolved against the current working directory.


GIFCMD [[source | /S:filename] [/E [/EF:[filename]] [/IF:format]]]
       [mask1 [+mask2][+mask3]... [destination | [/O:filename]] [/GP] 
       [/AC:comment] [[/L] [/LC]]
       [[/F:mask] | [/F:filename]] [/FD[index]:duration] [/FDM[index]:method] [/FC<index>:comment] [/FT[index]] [/FTC[index]:color]] 
       [/FX[index]:position] [/FY[index]:position]
       [/LOAD:filename] [/H | /?] [/QUIET] [/PAUSE] [/NOLOGO] [/VERSION]


sourceSpecifies the source GIF file to load, only if the /E flag is set. Ignored if the /S switch is used
mask1 [+mask2][+mask3]...Specifies a list of files to load. These can either be fully qualified file names, or file masks. source and destination are included in this list if the /S and /O switches are used.
destinationSpecifies the output GIF file to save. Ignored if the /O switch is used.
/S:filenameSpecifies the source GIF file to load.
/O:filenameSpecifies the name of the output GIF to create.
/ESpecifies that each frame in the source image should be exported.
/EF:filenameSpecifies the filename of the exported frames. Leave blank to derive the name from the source image filename. The replacement token can be used to include the index of the frame in the generated filename.
/IF:formatSpecifies or overrides a projects output image format. Valid formats are: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG (default), TIF
/GPSpecifies that a global palette will be generated for all frames. If this option is excluded, local palettes will be created instead.
/ACSpecifies a comment for the animation
/LSpecifies the animation should loop.
/LCSpecifies the number of times the animation should loop. Default is zero, which means infinite.
/<Findex>:filenameSpecifies the source filename of a frame. Alternative for mask1 [+mask2][+mask3]...
/FD[index]:durationSpecifies either the default frame duration, or if a frame index is specified, the duration of that frame
/FDM[index]:methodSpecifies either the default frame disposal method, or if a frame index is specified, the duration of that frame
/FC<index>:commentSpecifies the comment for a frame
/FT[index]Specifies either that all frames are transparent, or if a frame index is specified, that a specific frame is transparent1
/FTC[index]:colorSpecifies either the default transparency color for frames, or if a frame index is specified, the transparency color of that frame1
/FX[index]:locationSpecifies either the default X co-ordinate for frames, or if a frame index is specified, the X co-ordinate of that frame
/FY[index]:locationSpecifies either the default Y co-ordinate for frames, or if a frame index is specified, the Y co-ordinate of that frame
/SCRemoves all comments from the animation. Does not affect /AC or /FC switches.
/YSuppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file.
/IDisplays information on the specified source animation
/LOAD:filenameSpecifies an external file containing command line switches. Any argument above, with the exception of /LOAD, can be used in this file. Arguments can either be separated with spaces, newlines, or both.
/H or /?Display this message.
/QUIETSuppresses most standard output
/PAUSEPrompts the user to press a key before the program is exited
/NOLOGODo not display the startup banner and copyright message.
/VERSIONDisplay version information only.


  1. When creating an animation, if a source image already has alpha channel based transparency, there is no need to use the /FT or /FTC arguments - the existing transparency will be used where possible.
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Documentation version 0.0 (buildref #293.-), last modified 2017-05-23. Generated 2023-04-02 08:26 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.19.1