The Create Global Palette dialog allows you to generate and apply a global palette to your animation
Palette Source
Generate palette from animation frames
Select this option to generate a global palette based on the contents of one or more frames within the animation.
Select All
Checks all items in the palette frame list.
Select None
Uncheck's all items in the palette frame list
Invert Selection
Reverses the check marks of all items in the palette frame list
Palette Frame List
Displays a list of all frames in the animation, along with a preview of the frame. Each item in the list can be toggled on or off. If an item in the list is checked, it will be used to generate the global palette.
Load palette from external file
Select this option to load a palette from an external file.
Using this option could cause considerable changes if applied to frames that don't share any of the colors in the external palette
External Palette Filename
Enter or select the filename of the external palette to load from the list of supported palettes. If the current animation has been saved, the palette filename can be entered relative to the animation path.
Color Palette
Displays a preview of all colors in either the generated or external palette.
Export Palette
Allows you to export the palette as an external file in one of the supported palette formats.
Hide Duplicate Colors
Toggles the displaying of duplicate colors in the color palette.
Animation Preview Reel
Displays a preview of all frames within the animation with the palette applied to them. This allows you to see how palette changes will affect individual frames. You can double click (or press the Enter key) to display the selected frame image in a larger window.
Select All
Checks all items in the output frame list.
Select None
Uncheck's all items in the output frame list
Invert Selection
Reverses the check marks of all items in the output frame list
Output Frame List
Displays a list of all frames in the animation, along with a preview of the frame. Each item in the list can be toggled on or off. If an item in the list is checked, the new global palette will be applied to the frame when submitting the dialog. By default, only frames currently bound to the global palette will be automatically checked.
Click this button to apply the specified palette to the animation, and any selected frame. Each frame in the animation bound to the current global palette, but not selected to have the new palette applied will be changed to have a local palette. Each checked frame in the output frame list will be bound to the new palette, and the existing image data optimized accordingly.
Closes this dialog without making any changes.
Displays this help topic.