The View Palette dialog allows you to view the contents of a palette, and optionally export it.






Displays the contents of the color palette.

Color Preview


Displays a preview of the selected color from the palette.


Displays the current color in the format <R>, <G>, <B>, where <R> is the red channel, <G> is the green channel and <B> the blue channel. All values are expressed as integers between 0 and 255.


Displays the current color in the format <H>, <S>, <L>, where <H> is the color hue, <S> is the saturation and <L> the luminance. Hue is an integer between 0 and 359, Saturation and Luminance are expressed as doubles between 0 and 100 with two decimal places of precision.


Displays the current color in hexadecimal format, most commonly used in CSS style sheets, using the format #<R><G><B>, where <R> is the red channel, <G> is the green channel and <B> the blue channel. All values are expressed as a two digit hexadecimal value.

Export Palette

Allows you to export the palette as an external file in one of the supported palette formats.

Hide Duplicate Colors

Toggles the displaying of duplicate colors in the color palette.


Closes this dialog.


Displays this help topic.

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Documentation version 0.8 (buildref #67.15583), last modified 2023-03-05. Generated 2023-04-29 14:25 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.19.1