The table below lists all of the colour palette forms that Cyotek Colour Palette Editor can support.

18-bit RGB VGA PalettepalYesYes
24-bit RGB VGA PalettepalYesYes
Adobe Colour TableactYesYes
Adobe Photoshop Colour Swatch1acoYesYes
Adobe Swatch Exchange2 3aseYesYes
CoreDRAW4 5 6pal, xmlYesYes
DeluxePaint Image4 7bbm, lbmYesNo
JASCpal, PspPaletteYesYes
Microsoft RIFF8palYesYes
NES RGB TripletspalYesYes


Not all palette formats support all given features, e.g. grouping or swatch names. Some formats also support a greater colour precision than other formats. If you convert a palette from one format to another, or save a palette with features not supported by the format you are saving as, some information may be lost.

In addition to the first party palette support listed above, Colour Palette Editor can also import and export to other file types. Custom templates can also be defined, allowing palettes to be exported to bespoke text formats.

Cyotek is very interested in adding support for as many formats as possible. If you require support for a given format not currently available in this application (for example, formats belong to applications of yesteryear) contact us with details and we will look into adding support.

  1. HSB and Lab spaces are not currently supported

  2. Groups are automatically flattened as the palette editor UI does not support groups yet

  3. Only RGB colour space is currently supported

  4. This file type is not installed by default

  5. PAL or XML palettes only. Legacy binary palettes not currently supported

  6. Only RGB and CMYK colour spaces are currently supported

  7. 8bit colour images only

  8. Extended palettes are not currently supported

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Documentation version 1.8 (buildref #135.15699), last modified 2023-04-04. Generated 2024-02-29 10:57 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.19.1