As well as the GUI client, Slicr also includes a command line tool which you can use to automatically slice up an image. The tool, slycmd.exe, is located in the Slicr application folder.


SLYCMD source [destination] [/A:mode /Z /V [/X:slicemode] [/P:padding] [/M:spacing] [/C]] [/F:format] [/S[:filename]] [/Y] [/LOAD:filename]


sourceSpecifies the source image or Slicr project.
destinationSpecifies the location and/or name format of sliced images.

Performs an auto slice. Required if source is not a Slicr project. When using /A, /Z and /V must also be specified.

Valid modes are: FIXED, GRID

/ZSpecifies the horizontal unit of an auto slice mode.
/VSpecifies the vertical unit of an auto slice mode.

Specifies the slice mode.

Valid values are EDGE and BOX.

/P:paddingSpecifies any padding around the edges of the image to ignore. Padding is in the format LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM. If only a single value is specified, this is used for all edges
/M:spacingSpecifies any spacing between the generated slices. Margin is in the format WIDTH,HEIGHT. If only a single value is specified, this is used for both width and height.
/CClears any existing slices before performing an auto slice. Valid only if source is a Slicr project.

Specifies or overrides a projects output image format. Default is as by the source project, or PNG if an image source is used.

Valid formats are: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF.

/S[:filename]Creates a Slicr project using the passed input parameters with the specified filename. filename can only be omitted if source is a Slicr project.
/YSuppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file.
/LOAD:filenameSpecifies an external file containing command line switches. Any argument above, with the exception of /LOAD, can be used in this file. Arguments can either be separated with spaces, newlines, or both.


The source, destination, /S and /LOAD arguments support file names. These filenames can either be fully qualified, or relative to the current directory.

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Documentation version 0.2 (buildref #235.-), last modified 2017-11-11. Generated 2023-04-02 08:22 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.19.1