Templates can be viewed and edited via the Template Editor.

Displaying the template editor

  • From the Project menu, choose Templates or press Control+2

Adding a new template

  • From the Template Editor, click the Add button to create a new template

Editing an existing template

  • From the Template Editor, select the template to edit
  • Enter a name for the template in the Name field. Template names are for display purposes only.
  • Enter the output file name into the File Name field. You can use formatting codes to be replaced with values from the current project, such as $(ProjectName).
  • Enter the template's content into the Content field.

Previewing template

  • From the Template Editor, select the template to preview
  • Click the Preview button
  • The template output will be generated and displayed in a preview window
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Documentation version 0.4 (buildref #56.15912), last modified 2023-04-09. Generated 2024-06-16 08:50 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.20.0