Selecting all images

  • From either the Image or Files views, select Select All  from the Edit menu or press Control+A

Selecting images from the Image view

  1. From the Image view, click an image in the sprite preview to select it
  2. Holding down control while clicking an image with add that image to the selection, or remove it if already present
  • or -

  • In the image view, drag and draw a bounding box. Any images inside this region will be selected

  • Selecting an image which has been created by an effect selects the original image that the copy is created from
  • When selecting an original image with additional copies created by effects, the copies will appear highlighted as well

Selecting images from the Files view

  • From the Files view, click an image in the file list to select it, then:
    1. Holding down control while clicking another image will select that image in addition to the current selection, or remove it from the selection
    2. Holding down shift while clicking another will select or unselect all images between the new selection and the previous
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Documentation version 1.9 (buildref #60.15868), last modified 2023-04-09. Generated 2024-05-19 15:42 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.19.1