WebCopy has a fixed set of rules which govern how it crawls a document such as a HTML page or style sheet for additional resources. With the rise of responsive websites, these default rules might not always be sufficient - for example custom attributes may be applied to the img tag in order to support retina images. WebCopy now allows you to specify additional attributes to scan, either by using simple names or more complex XPath expressions.

  1. From the Project Properties dialog, click the Custom Attributes category
  2. In the edit field, enter each additional custom attribute you wish to scan
  3. Click OK to save your changes and close the options dialog

For more advanced scenarios, you can use XPath expressions. For example, if a document contained a p tag and an img tag, each with a custom attribute named data-original, you can scan only those on the img tag by using the expression //img/@data-original.

!CautionBox Enter only one attribute name per line

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Documentation version 1.1 (buildref #304.-), last modified 2017-07-16. Generated 2023-04-02 08:16 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.19.1