Options for configuring how the sitemap is displayed can be found on the Appearance tab in the Options dialog.

Simplifying the sitemap

WebCopy treats almost all URL's as a folder hierarchy with a default document. This can mean that sitemaps can include additional folder nodes that can be confusing. When the simply sitemap option is enabled, the sitemap will be compressed to remove the extra folder levels and have the tree appear as it would appear when browsing a website.

To display a simplified sitemap

  • In the Sitemap Display group, check the Simplify sitemap option

Displaying folder paths

By default, folder nodes only show the folder name. If the folder paths option is enabled, folder nodes show the entire URI.

To display folder paths

  • In the Sitemap Display group, check the Show folder paths option

Displaying page names

To display the file name of documents in the sitemap

  • In the Sitemap Display group, check the Show page names option

Displaying page titles

To display the titles of documents in the sitemap

  • In the Sitemap Display group, check the Show page titles option

If a document doesn't have a title, for example a CSS document, or the title in embedded in document that WebCopy doesn't parse, the document file name will be displayed instead.

Displaying page locations

To display the source URL for a document in the sitemap

  • In the Sitemap Display group, check the Show page locations option

Displaying shell icons

WebCopy can automatically query each document type and show the appropriate system icon if available

To display shell icons

  • In the Sitemap Display group, check the Use shell icons option

Setting the colour for new documents

When crawling a website, WebCopy will keep track of new or changed documents it detects, and can highlight these items in various views.

To customise the colour used to highlight new and changed documents

  • In the Sitemap Display group, click the button next to the New and changed item color label and choose a colour.

This setting also applies to URI list views

Setting the colour for missing documents

When crawling a website that WebCopy has previously crawled and has the previous crawl data available, WebCopy can detect URL's that were previously detected and are now not found, and can highlight these items in various views.

To customise the colour used to highlight missing documents

  • In the Sitemap Display group, click the button next to the Missing item color label and choose a colour.

This setting also applies to URI list views

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Documentation version 1.5 (buildref #501.-), last modified 2018-05-20. Generated 2023-04-02 08:08 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.19.1