WebCopy executes rules in order until either a matching rule that halts processing is found, or all rules have been processed.

When creating new rules, they are appended to the end of the existing list and so you may wish to reorder them.

Reordering rules using the mouse

Rule lists support drag and drag re-ordering. Hold down the left mouse button over a rule and while keeping the button pressed, move the mouse. A insertion line will be displayed showing where the rule will be moved to, release the mouse button to complete the move.

Reordering rules using the keyboard

  1. Select Rules from the Project menu, or press Control+R to display the rule editor
  2. Select the rule you wish to move
  3. Click either the Move Up or Move Down buttons to move the rule
  4. Click the OK button to save the new order and close the dialog
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Documentation version 1.6 (buildref #559.-), last modified 2018-10-10. Generated 2023-04-02 08:06 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.19.1