This functionality is currently under review and may be removed in a future version of WebCopy. If you currently use this feature, we would be grateful if you could email and explain your use case for the feature.

If the site to be copied has links to domains that you wish to automatically convert to the domain being crawled, you can use the Domain Aliases function.

To customize domain aliases

  • From the Project Properties dialog, click the Domain Aliases category

Adding a new alias

  1. In the Alias Pattern field, enter a search pattern. You can use regular expressions
  2. Click the Add button

Deleting an alias

  1. Select the alias you wish to remove from the list
  2. Click the Delete button

Updating an alias

  1. Select the alias you wish to edit from the list. The Alias Pattern **** fields will be updated to match the selection.
  2. Enter new value for the alias pattern. The selected item in the list will be updated with the changes you specify.
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Documentation version 1.7 (buildref #600.-), last modified 2018-11-23. Generated 2023-04-02 08:04 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.19.1