Many files on a remote web server may not behave normally when executed from the local file systems, such as .php or .aspx. WebCopy can handle this by changing the extensions of downloaded content to match their mime type. For example, .php and .aspx would be renamed to .html.

By default, WebCopy will attempt to remap app files based on their content type, except files using the application/octet-stream type, however the following options are available.

NeverNo extension remapping is performed. This option is not recommended.
AlwaysWebCopy will always try and remap extensions.
Only if no extension presentURLs without an extension will be remaped, those with an extension will not be modified.
Always, except for the specified exclusions(Default) All URLs except those with a content type of application/octet-stream or with user defined extension or content type exclusions will be remapped.

Changing the extension remap mode

  1. From the Project Properties dialogue, select the Local Files category
  2. In the Remap file extensions by content type group, select an appropriate option

Specifying exclusions

  1. From the Project Properties dialogue, select the Local Files category
  2. In the Remap file extensions by content type group, enter exclusions into the Types to exclude field


Click Select Types to display a dialogue box for selecting content types either from those detected in the site to be copied, or from a global database


  • You can either enter file extensions, such as png into this field, or content types such as image/png
  • This field supports wildcards


When the mode is Always, except for the specified exclusions, the application/octet-stream exclusion is implicit and cannot be disabled.

Preserving the original extension

When remapping extensions, WebCopy can keep the original extension. For example, if picture.php had a content type of image/png, the local filename would be picture.php.png. To enable or disable this feature

  1. From the Project Properties dialogue, select the Local Files category
  2. In the Remap file extensions by content type group, check or uncheck the Keep original extension field

See Also

Configuring the Crawler

Working with local files

Controlling the crawl



Modifying URLs

Creating a site map


Deprecated features

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Documentation version 1.8 (buildref #768.-), last modified 2021-03-30. Generated 2023-04-02 08:02 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.19.1