When you analyse a website using WebCopy, a map is created of all incoming and outgoing links for each scanned URL, and other relevant attributes such as response code, content type and more.
By default, link map information will be saved into your project file, however if your web site has many links you may wish to disable this. Also by default, the link map is automatically preserved each time the source web site is scanned. This can also be changed on a per project basis.
The link map can be viewed from within WebCopy.
Many of the advanced functionality of WebCopy requires a link map to be present. If you disable the saving of link map data, some functionality may be impaired.
If link information is not preserved in a crawler project, or is cleared prior to starting a crawl, features such as only downloading new or updated files will not be available.
Saving of headers may cause project files to be much larger, and performance of open/save operations may be affected. Required information, such as content type or content size is always stored regards of if all header data is stored.