The CLI allows for non-interactive downloading of content. It is best suited for batch and scripting scenarios.


WCOPY uri | project [OPTION...]


If using a project file as the source, any additional arguments will override values loaded from the project file.


uriSpecifies the fully qualified address of the remote URL to download. Only http and https schemes are supported
projectThe filename of a WebCopy project
/o <file | folder>Specifies the output filename for a single URL, or folder for recursive downloads. If not specified, StdOut will be used for single file, or the current folder for recursive. Has no effect when referencing a WebCopy project or via the GUI interface
/mode <mode>Specifies the crawl mode. Available values are Domain, SubDomains, SiblingDomains, External, LinkResources and ParentDomain
/recursiveEnables scanning of the downloaded URL for further files to download. Has no effect when referencing a WebCopy project or via the GUI interface
/nomapDisables the remapping document references within downloaded files. Only applies to recursive downloads. Has no effect if the URL parameter references a WebCopy project
/emptyEmpties the destination folder of all files and sub folders. Only applies to recursive downloads. Has no effect if the URL parameter references a WebCopy project
/header <header>Defines a custom header to send with each request. May be specified multiple times
/max-redirect <count>The maximum redirect chain length
/no-directoriesDisables directory creation. All output files will be in the same folder
/preheadEnables the use of the HEAD verb
/no-preheadDisables the use of the HEAD verb
/proxy <address>Proxy server address
/proxy-user <user>Proxy server user name
/proxy-password <password>Proxy server password
/useragent <agent>Defines a custom user agent
/input-file <file>The name of a text file containing a list of URLs to process
/cookie <namevalue | file>Either a name=value pair describing a single cookie, or the name of a file containing cookies to load, in the Netscape cookie format. May be specified multiple times
/discard-session-cookiesIf set, any session cookies loaded via an external file will be skipped
/cookie-jar <file>Specifies the name of a file where cookies will be written after performing a copy operation
/xpath <expression>XPath query to extract data from downloaded document
/xpath-select <attribute>Name of the attribute to extract from each matched node. If not specified, the node's inner text will be extracted
/xpath-separator <separator>Value to place between the extracted value from each matched node. If not specified, \r\n will be used
/H or /?Display this message
/LOG <file>Writes output to a log file. If <file> is not specified, a default name will be used
/LOGAPPENDIf set and the log file already exists, new data will be appended to the file, otherwise the file is overwritten
/QUIETSuppresses most standard output
/PAUSEPrompts the user to press a key before the program ends
/NOLOGODo not display the startup banner and copyright message
/VERSIONDisplay version information only
/STATISTICSDisplay execution statistics
/NOCRASHREPORTDisable automatic crash logging and solution checking
/list-argumentsDisplays how input arguments were interpreted, then exits without performing any actions
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Documentation version 1.10 (buildref #186.15944), last modified 2024-08-18. Generated 2024-08-18 08:01 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.20.0