
Invariably support requests for this product involve the inability to copy certain websites. This is also often due to the site using JavaScript to build the UI or a lack of understanding in how a website is constructed (e.g. using CDN's or other domains). Bear in mind while we will usually make at least a cursory attempt to investigate the site to rule out obvious issues, if the site is of an adult or illegal nature, or at our discretion, we will immediately close the ticket. In addition, we're not mind readers - if you aren't explicit in specifying exactly which URLs have errors, we haven't got the resource to investigate nebulous tickets.

Cyotek offers limited technical support and self help options for users of this product.

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Documentation version 1.10 (buildref #186.15944), last modified 2024-08-18. Generated 2024-08-18 08:00 using Cyotek HelpWrite Professional version 6.20.0